Safety & Wellness Policy

Mbikiza Group (Pty) Ltd acknowledges its obligations and embraces the responsibility as an employer to provide a safe and healthy working environment on all premises and properties under its control. This commitment aligns with the stipulations of the Health and Safety at Work Act. Our policy at Mbikiza Group (Pty) Ltd is geared towards operating working practices that ensure the proper provision of health, safety, and welfare for all employees and individuals impacted by our operations.

This comprehensive policy, coupled with corresponding instructions, procedures, and organizational arrangements, extends to cover all company activities. It is imperative that every Director, Manager, Supervisor, and Foreman at Mbikiza Group (Pty) Ltd diligently enforces and adheres to this policy.

We prioritize the well-being of our workforce and anyone affected by our operations, fostering a culture where safety is paramount, and proactive measures are taken to maintain a secure working environment. This commitment reflects our dedication to creating a workplace that values and prioritizes the health and safety of all stakeholders.